Effective Trainers display the following qualities:

» Listen carefully and try to address the real-life concerns of participants
» Make learning fun and interactive by using tools such as relevant games, simulations
» Share real-life examples and experiences relevant to the important concepts

Encourage participants to look within, think for themselves and experiment fearlessly in the safe and structured environment of program
» Engage all participants – even those who are shy, reticent, cynical
» Admit it if they do not know something or were wrong about something

Encourage participants to learn from one another and actively seek out relevant insights that some participants may have

Encourage participants to start the process of positive transformation with small do-able steps rather than just learn big theories
» Give precedence to the practical over the ideal
» Give specific, constructive feedback when the participant is in a receptive state of mind
» Try to live what they teach
» Are constantly learning and adding value to themselves