Yadhav is an MBA who after several years in a challenging and successful corporate career made a conscious decision to pursue his “swadharma”- his own nature and calling.
Yadhav at a dealer conference job  
He realised that though he was achieving the best sales and collections targets, efficiently running big teams, keeping his people highly motivated and inspired, rising up the corporate  ladder and earning the associated rewards, travelling and getting well-exposed  - his heart was in what came most naturally to him and what he enjoyed the most– training!
  Yadhav as branch manager
He took the bold decision of putting in his papers without deep pockets or assured business – and apart from tough times which everyone initially faces on going off the beaten track – he has found his new profession deeply fulfilling.
  Training at Ernst & Young
Over the years he has forged long-term relationships with numerous clients across several industries – consulting, software, telecom, finance and investment, KPOs, automobiles, oil and energy, buying houses, garment export, retail, cinema, engineering, electronics, development agencies and traditional manufacturing.
  Training at Cairn
Yadhav has had repeat business with almost all his clients. He has learnt from them and they in turn have benefitted substantially through real-life transformations brought about in individuals and teams after attending the highly practical, thought provoking, and result-oriented training workshops. The testimonials given by participants speak about the quality of the training programs.
  Participants sharing real-life problems
Though Yadhav ensures that the program delivers full value and return for the time of participants and the money spent by the organizations – he never compromises on the elements that make participants “want” to come for the programs again – the fun, games, self-discovery, freedom to take risks in safe environment, international management films, discussion of real-life professional and personal problems and insightful interaction with other participants. Those who sample Yadhav once, generally come back for more.
Yadhav naturally exhibits the all the traits of a good trainer and has been assessed as a natural “professional trainer” in an external program he attended on Train-the-Trainer.
Yadhav’s humor
In terms of professional qualifications specifically in the field of learning and development, Yadhav is a qualified MBTI practitioner (Association of Psychological Type, USA). He has participated in the ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) convention at Atlanta.

Yadhav attends at least four to five workshops every year by well-known speakers in India and abroad to keep abreast of the latest trends in the field of learning and development. He reads extensively and keeps in touch with thought leaders at various forums to stay well-informed about the latest in management practices, industry trends, workplace dynamics as well as technology related to his field.
Certificate of MBTI TNFNP Certificate The Global Alliance-Trainer Certification
CPP Asia Pacific Certificate    
Yadhav’s personal interests in life provide him with insights from different walks of life, and add to his ability to connect with participants with similar interests.

He believes that one can learn concentration, performing under stress and stretching one’s capacities from sports. Travel exposes you different cultures and life-conditions –helps you understand that people are very different and yet there are some things that never change. The truths of philosophy hold every bit true in our professional lives as they do in our personal lives. And theatre and performing arts help you vicariously live other people’s lives and experience their emotions and mental states.
Yadhav playing Tennis
Yadhav believes in life-long learning - from different organizations in multifarious industries each with its own peculiarities, from all participants who bring rich experiences and diverse specializations, from all fields of learning to the extent that they teach about life and living, and from all experiences- mundane and extraordinary. And likes to share his learnings and question his own beliefs in his training workshops. His interest are playing tennis, trekking, reading indian philosophy and having a great laugh with close friends.
  Kauri Pass
An Evening to remember Team Events
Outdoor Activities
  Outdoor Events-Rock Climbing